All In Poker Club Bucuresti
The fruits of the efforts of our club’s employees are appreciated as such by the gambling industry in Romania! In December 2017, the Casino Life & Business Magazine Awards Awards awarded the laureates, with the ALL-IN POKER CLUB being named „The Best Poker Club” from Romania in 2017.
On this occasion, we thank everyone for their appreciation, but especially for the players who visited us this year and who value the originality, fairness and fair play in our club.… .
All-In Poker Club Romania. 43 likes 47 were here. Cel mai mare club de poker (Texas Holdem, Omaha) din Bucuresti si din Romania, unde au loc evenimente cash, turnee zilnice si alte evenimente speciale. The fruits of the efforts of our club’s employees are appreciated as such by the gambling industry in Romania! In December 2017, the Casino Life & Business Magazine Awards Awards awarded the laureates, with the ALL-IN POKER CLUB being named „The Best Poker Club” from Romania in 2017. Poker clubs and rooms in Bucharest Built on the hills, Bucharest was selected multiple times as a peace treaty signing place by the countries that were in war. A dozen of movies are shot about it, modern punk and rock bands dedicate songs to it.
All In Poker Club Bucuresti Ploiesti
All In Poker Club Bucuresti Brasov
Incepand cu 23 Septembrie 2019, ALL-IN POKER CLUB BUCURESTI organizeaza o noua editie de CURSURI GRATUITE PENTRU DEALERI DE POKER! Acestea se vor tine in incinta clubului, la etajul 4 al Magazinului COCOR si se vor desfasura pe o perioada de 30 zile. Cursantii cu cele mai bune rezultate vor fi angajati in clubul nostru! All-In Poker Club, primul club de profil din Romania, sustine promovarea pokerului de performana. Principala activitate initiata in aceasta directie este selectia si sponsorizarea unei echipe oficiale, formata din jucatori profesionisti, care sa.